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#1 PATH Outreach Installment (and Carpool Conversations!)

Welcome to our first PATH Outreach Installment (and Carpool Conversations!) where we will share videos, images, statistics, and how our Life Link Outreach Team is working to reduce homelessness in Santa Fe.

From Wednesday: February 26, 2020 Responded to a call transferred from the City regarding a report that there was a man living in a shed off Early St. Talked to neighbors and found out he is there in the early AM. The team is following up to try to meet him in person and see what he might need help with.

Picked up lunches from Joanie at Christ Church for distribution at camps, Pete’s Place and The Clubhouse, and to panhandlers.Stopped to talk to panhandlers to deliver lunches and offer services.Visited the camps by the mall and discovered that they had been raided and destroyed and the tenants have moved. Our Team is on the lookout for new sites or any info on these camps.Delivered lunches and outreached about our services to 30 people we connected with on the streets. Analyn Schwaegel

Update from our Path Outreach Team Bagel and Carla: “We got that guy from the corner we spoke with on Wednesday hooked up with services today!” If you know someone who could use help with housing, mental health support, substance abuse support or human trafficking aftercare please let us know.

Outreach Video #2 Picking up lunches at Christ Church for outreach efforts.

More images from the Path Outreach efforts.

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2325 Cerrillos Rd.

Santa Fe, NM  87505

(505) 438-0010

The Life Link is committed to improving individual and

community health through breaking cycles of  chronic homelessness, mental illness, trauma, exploitation, and addiction.

                  © 2022 The Life Link  

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