Our Story
The Life Link has been serving Santa Fe and surrounding areas since 1987. We are committed to providing accessible, culturally appropriate, supportive and effective services to persons experiencing homelessness and/or behavioral health challenges. The Life Link accepts city, state, and federal funding, grants, and private donations in order to provide quality, affordable services. The Life Link is located four blocks south of St. Michael's Dr. on the city bus route. Se Habla Español.

Our Mission
The Life Link helps hungry, homeless and displaced individuals and families achieve self-sufficiency through emergency assistance, housing, employment services, and other supportive programs including advanced addiction and mental health treatment services.
Our Impact

Last year the Life Link administered over 1400 depression and PTSD screenings through our psychiatric, counseling, and Treat First programs

Our Community Support Workers, Housing and Employment Staff, and PSR Programs provided nearly 15,000 client
encounters last year.

The Life Link provides 650 mental health encounters a month through individual and group counseling and psychiatric services